the impact of social media is significant for any aspect of business. how its used? why its used? the benefits? the drawbacks? customer perceptions? the consequences? social media is key for every business operating today, and this is why we can embed it into all our courses, for all sectors.
Through the use of the XVR Media Management Module, XVR Crisis Media, we are able to replicate all forms of media, from news channels, all forms of social media sites, news papers, email systems, incident reports, to a database of files. The key element is it looks real, it feels real, delegates can interact (or not interact!) with it like real, but it is completely isolated & secure as it is a simulated platform.
Lets think about an example. You're at work, undertaking day-to-day tasks. In walks a journalist to discuss the recent event that occured at your work place. You talk away, the journalist makes notes and takes some pictures. The next thing you know is an article has gone live on the local news channel, newspaper and been posted all over social media. Should you have said what you did? How will you're customers percieve it? What will head office say? Should you have even spoken at all? None of this matters in this case - because it has all been simulated in the secure environment. XVR News, Sim TV News, Quacker, FacePlace and Videonow! have all gone viral, but it hasn't been seen in the real world. However, it has provided the delegate with a valuable learning opportunity in the simulated environment, and enhances the realism of our simulations.
It doesn't have to be a crisis situation though. Any business can benefit from training at the simulation centre, utilising the media simulator, and have the opportunity to learn & develop, and see the potential consequences of messages, as well as the benefits of using the different social media platofrms for conveying messages.
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