
Resilience & Learning from Major Incidents

As part of the West Midlands Training, Exercising & Learning Group, the simulation centre team received the award for Resilience & Learning from Major Incidents, at the Excellence in Fire & Emergency Awards 2019.  

The Simulation Centre's Frank Mills, Janet Campbell, James Doyle & Emma Parkinson joined colleagues from West Midlands Ambulance Service, West Midlands Fire Service, West Midlands Police & CSW Resilience, as part of the West Midlands Training Exercising & Learning Group for the Excellence in Fire & Emergency Awards 2019, from FIRE Magazine, where we were delighted to receive the award for Resilience & Learning from Major Incidents.  

The West Midlands Training Exercising & Learning Group is a multi-agency group setup to support and coordinate multi-agency training events, exercises and associated learning sessions within the City of Coventry. 

The group received the award for exercise: Trouble in Paradise, the fully simulated JESIP exercise, that took place in the simulation centre. The exercise, which had over 75 participants take part, was fully developed and delivered by the specialists from the simulation centre, and emergency services part of the West Midlands Training, Exercising & Learning Group.     



Exercise: Trouble in Paradise

A short video about the award-winning exercise Trouble in Paradise, that took place at the simulation centre.  

The exercise was based around a number of incidents occuring at the Motofest event in Coventry. 

The West Midlands Training Exercising & Learning Group, receiving the award

From Left to Right, Sam Lewis – WMFS, David Levesley - WMAS, Dave Robertson – WMFS, Emma Parkinson – the simulation centre, Coventry University, Tom Knibbs – CSW Resilience, Janet Campbell – the simulation centre, Coventry University, James Doyle – the simulation centre, Coventry University, Mark Teago – WMP, Frank Mills – the simulation centre, Coventry University. 

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to understand how the simulation centre can help you, please get in touch here. 

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